Check out the Amazon WISHLIST for gift ideas… Simply use the Amazon Wishlist button and gifts are shipped directly to us AND Amazon will donate back to LMtS as well!
In 2024, LMtS once again exceeded all previous records by providing Christmas to over 6,900 CHILDREN IN NEED thanks to over 1,000 volunteers. LMtS is proud to announce that Sheriff Daron Hall and SOSC will host LMtS at the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office Services Center again in 2024.
What do we mean by FAMILIES IN NEED and how does LMtS help?
If your family has come upon hard times in 2024 due to unemployment, family crisis/trauma, debilitating illness or not being able to provide Christmas and pay the bills, then LMtS is here to help! And of course, proof of being a FAMILY IN NEED will be required.
As the name suggests, LMtS is the LAST CHANCE for FAMILIES IN NEED to shop for free NEW toys who HAVE NOT been helped by or have missed the deadline for other Middle Tennessee’s charities and organizations in 2024.
LMtS MISSION: To joyfully provide the love of Jesus through one-on-one care to the parents and guardians of Davidson County as they shop for their CHILD(REN) IN NEED.
Families In Need Online Registration Opens @ 9AM
Families In Need Online Registration Remains Open & Available Until Full
Families In Need Online Registration Scheduled to Close @ 11:59PM
10am -4pm
10am -4pm
10am -4pm
The Last Minute Toy Store is a 501c(3) ministry of Highland Park Church in partnership with Sheriff Daron Hall and The Davidson County Sheriff’s Office along with The United States Marine Reserve Toys for Tots, churches, business, civic groups, and individuals to provide gifts to Nashville’s FAMILIES IN NEED since 1993.
3 months ago